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Gokcebel is a small tranquil village that sits next door to the marina town of Yalikavak in Bodrum with not much more than a 5-minute drive between the two areas, yet they offer a complete contrast of lifestyles with Yalikavak being quite lively and Gokcebel very peaceful and relaxing.
If you are looking to buy investment apartment in Gokcebel you have no doubt noticed that the prices for investment apartment in Gokcebel can vary from very affordable to premium with investment apartment in Gokcebel for sale close to the sea being offered with the higher prices, though it should be said that these properties will offer you the higher rental income opposed to if you buy investment apartment in Gokcebel in the hillsides with a view of nature or a partial view of the sea.
Having said above, if you are in search of an investment apartment in Gokcebel for sale with a lower budget the lower prices properties can still offer a great rental income with the close proximity to Yalikavak.
Contact Turkey Homes when looking at prices for investment apartment in Gokcebel and with your budget and requirements in mind we will direct you to the ideal Gokcebel real estate for you and guide you through every stage of the property Bodrum buying process all about property for sale in Turkey.
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