Gocek is one of the Fethiye areas more prestigious areas, a stunning scenic coastal resort that attracts wealthy visitors from around the world, many of which sail in on luxury yachts, though for those who fly are offered very short airport transfers of around 20-minutes from nearby Dalaman international airport.
A prestigious apartment in Gocek for sale does not have to cost the earth unless you choose to buy prestigious apartment in Gocek that offer a marina or sea-front location when prices will be extremely high.
By taking a short trip to the nearby pine-clad hillsides you will find attractive prices for prestigious apartment in Gocek and you may still be offered a view of the sea and will most certainly be surrounded by lush green forests.
No matter where you buy prestigious apartment in Gocek you will be offered the exclusive lifestyle of the resort and if you seek a prestigious apartment in Gocek for sale as a buy-to-let investment you can be assured if an excellent rental income no matter which location you choose.
Contact Turkey Homes when in search of prices for prestigious apartment in Gocek and with your budget and requirements in mind, we will guide you to your ideal Gocek real estate and assist you throughout the Turkey property buying process.
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In the meantime if you require any assistance please call us on + 44 (0) 207 193 1553 or email us at info@turkeyhomes.com.