Konacik is one of the Bodrum peninsula’s new developing areas, located on the edge of Bodrum Town and slightly inland with no real dividing line to separate Konacik from Bodrum Town, apart from homes in Konacik being offered elevated positions.
A modern apartment in Konacik for sale will be offered at much more affordable prices than Bodrum Town and other areas of Bodrum, as the area is still developing, though the prices for modern apartment in Konacik will be a little higher if you find a property that enjoys a view of the sea.
If you buy modern apartment in Konacik you will have great access to the all the amenities of Bodrum Town and all other resorts with the area being on the route into Bodrum from the airport which also means that a modern apartment in Konacik for sale can be ideal for any reason holidays, year-round living or investment, though if you buy modern apartment in Konacik as an investment we would certainly recommend that you go for a view of the sea to achieve a higher rental income.
Contact Turkey Homes when looking at prices for modern apartment in Konacik and with your budget and requirements in mind we will direct you to the ideal Konacik real estate for you and guide you through every stage of the Bodrum property buying process.
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