Traditional real estate in Bodrum has two styles of architecture, with many homes being of a typical Bohemian Bodrum style with flat roofs and white washed walls, or the more ancient stone house architecture with little wooden windows and shutters to keep out the heat of the sun.
Traditional accommodation for sale in Bodrum can be found in most areas being a well-established resort area, stunning stone houses in Bodrum town, Bohemian Turkish traditional property in Bodrum on the hillsides of many resort areas and even in some of the upmarket resorts where you also see many newer luxury homes.
Prices for traditional accommodation in Bodrum can vary with the style and the area, some may be very affordable and need a little renovation work, and those that have been renovated to a luxury standard can often appear on the real estate market at very high prices.
Call Turkey Homes and our advisors will give you a guide to the styles, prices and the various areas that you can buy traditional property in Bodrum with some very helpful and impartial advice.
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