The main reason that you should be looking at a green energy apartment in Dalaman for sale opposed to any other type, is to help the environment by using less electricity, take a stroll down any Dalaman street and you will see that all homes and often business premises too will have solar panels fitted on the roof, attached to large water tanks that are filled with piping hot water.
When you buy green energy property in Dalaman this source of hot water will be for most of the year, the town seeing an average of 300 sunny days every year, thus, a very low utility bill will drop on your doorstep every month, and you will be playing a small part in trying to slow down global warming effect.
All newly built green energy apartment in Dalman for sale have to be insulated for heat and sound to meet the Turkish government's building regulations, again saving on heating bills to keep more of your hard earned cash in your pocket, not in the bank accounts of electricity providers.
One of the best things about the Dalaman real estate market is the prices, a green energy apartment in Dalaman for sale can be purchased by those with the lowest of budgets, prices for a 2 bedroom property starting from as little as £26,000 rising to a maximum of £50,000, thus, a green energy apartment in Dalaman for sale will not break the bank.
Dalaman is a great area for investment; however, these low prices for green energy apartment in Dalaman are best suited to low-budget first time investors rather than the big budget investors, as high end property is not really something you will find in Dalaman.
If you are looking to buy green energy apartment in Dalaman as an investment, short term holiday rental are limited to the summer season as there are very few international winter flights during the winter months, therefore, if you require a year-round income with a green energy apartment in Dalaman for sale you will be looking to rent long term to local residents, however, you or the tenant will need to install an immersion heater, electric shower or some other form of water heater appliance as a backup to the solar system for the winter period.
Why not give Turkey Homes a call when looking at the affordable prices for green energy apartment in Dalaman, our local Dalaman property advisors are there to help, answer questions, and will assist you with every step of the Turkey property process when you have found your ideal green energy apartment in Dalaman for sale.
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