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NEWS Breaking news: Health Minister announces decision for third dose of corona vaccine

3 Jul 2021

At last, a decision was made for a third dose of corona vaccine. Speaking after the Science Board meeting, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the decision for the third dose of the vaccine.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said, “We have decided it would be useful for our citizens and health workers over 50 years of age to have third dose of vaccine regardless of what brand. Thus, our citizens over 50 years of age and health workers who have had 2 doses, will be able to schedule from tomorrow for the third vaccine of the type they would prefer. There are no restrictions or priorities on which type of vaccine third dose would be.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made statements after the coronavirus Science Board Meeting. "Our country is coming out of the epidemic agenda. I want you to know that these words are not words of hope. It's an expression of your liberation from the captivity of the global epidemic. Our vaccination program is planned and is progressing with a full mobilization to deliver the vaccine to each of our citizens in the most comfortable way. With more than 1 million vaccines per day, we are one of the countries that vaccinate its population fastest. As of today, we have reached about 52 million doses of the vaccine. When the calendars of our citizens who have the first dose of the vaccine and our citizens who have come to the time of the second dose of the vaccine are combined, we will be making about 1.5-2 million vaccines per day. The sooner we get our vaccines, the sooner we will be able to get rid of the epidemic. Now we all see that bright tomorrows are ours,” he said.

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