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BLOG 7 Things You Should Do Before You Move To Antalya

19 September 2021 / Lifestyle

The moment you decide to up sticks and move overseas is a heady one. At first, there’ll be giddy excitement about the adventure to come, mixed with some trepidation. Then, when you realise just how much you need to do to realise your dream, panic will set in.

These mixed emotions are entirely natural. Perhaps you’ve found the perfect property – a luxury villa with an infinity pool in Kalkan, or a penthouse apartment with sea views in Antalya. You can’t wait to make it your home. That doesn’t mean you can’t feel a pang at the thought of what you’re leaving behind.

Dealing with the practicalities of moving will help. There’s a lot to do and much to organise. Here are a few of the things you’ll need to sort out before you move to Antalya.

Make lists

Before you start, work out exactly what needs doing. Keep separate lists for everything – that way, you’ll know exactly where to add any new task that raises its head and be less likely to forget it. For example, you might have a list of jobs related to your old house, another of items you need to buy for your new place, and one for admin-related tasks.

You’ve got mail

If you plan to keep a base in your home country, rather than selling up entirely, there’ll be more flexibility when it comes to arranging your affairs. You might not need to change your address for existing bank accounts, for instance. However, there’s likely to be correspondence that will need your attention.

Arrange to have your mail forwarded, either by a direct service or a friend or relative. Alternatively, you could ask someone you trust to check and open letters and let you know about anything important. It’s also a good idea to get as much as possible switched to online – most credit card companies and banks will let you have e-statements, for example.

Be practical

If you take regular medication, make sure you can get the equivalent once you move to your new home in Antalya. Ensure you have enough supplies to last you for at least the first couple of weeks. You might also want to get an up-to-date prescription for glasses or contact lenses, and make sure you have spares.

Update your will and make sure any family you’re leaving behind knows how to access it if anything happens to you. Make copies of important documents, including birth and marriage certificates, passports and driving licenses, as well as paperwork for pensions and so on. Leave them with someone you trust.

Organise your finances

Tell your bank you’re moving to Turkey. Make sure they have your new contact details and that your debit and credit cards won’t get flagged for potentially fraudulent activity once you start using them overseas. Online banking is easy to set up and makes life much easier when it comes to keeping a check on your accounts or organising payments and transfers. Remember to cancel any direct debits or standing orders that you won’t need and, if you have any investment accounts, see if living overseas affects them; some are conditional on you being resident in your home country.

Be a good landlord

Many people who move to Antalya decide to keep their property in their home country and rent it out. As a landlord, you have an obligation to your tenants. Make sure everything is in good repair and there are clear lines of communication if there’s a problem. You might find it easier to appoint a property management company to deal with everything for you. Don’t forget to inform the tax office if you’ll be receiving rental income.

Keep in touch

One of the hardest things to get used to for most expats in Antalya is being so far away from family and close friends. Technology helps bring us closer together so, before you move, work out how you’ll stay connected; platforms like WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom are free, but everyone needs to have the relevant app or software

Before you go

Check cancellation periods for utilities and services such as broadband and end them in good time. Cancel subscriptions to magazines, television services and anything else you will no longer make use of. Pay all outstanding bills and make sure everyone who needs it has your new address. Finally, take a deep breath and enjoy your new life in Antalya!

Thinking of buying?

If you’re considering moving full time or buying a holiday home in Antalya, take a look at our buyers’ guide. You’ll find lots of helpful advice and information, along with our current portfolio of available properties. When you’re ready, we’re here to answer any questions you might have and help with every stage of the buying process.

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